Enhancing Student and Staff Services Through Conversational AI

The advent of generative AI and conversational AI technologies has revolutionised various sectors, including education. Universities and colleges are leveraging these technologies to improve student services and operational efficiencies. This blog post explores how conversational AI, particularly chatbots, are transforming student and staff services, backed by industry benchmarks and statistics.

The Rise of Chatbots in Education

A chatbot is an AI-powered software designed to simulate realistic conversations with users. These digital assistants are integrated into websites, messaging apps like WhatsApp, and smart speakers such as Alexa. For instance, students can inquire about their schedules or campus services by simply texting or speaking to the chatbot, which provides instant responses by accessing a pre-built knowledge base and interacting with other software systems to retrieve user-specific information.

Benefits of Chatbots for Universities

Efficiency and Cost Savings

Chatbots significantly reduce the time and resources spent on repetitive tasks. For Cardiff and Vale College, chatbots have streamlined processes by handling large volumes of enquiries, thus saving hundreds of hours each year. This efficiency is crucial in mitigating the substantial financial losses caused by events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit. For example, the education sector lost £1.5 billion in international student fees due to COVID-19 and an additional £62.5 million due to Brexit​.

Enhanced Student Experience

Chatbots enhance the student experience by providing 24/7 support, aiding in recruitment, retention, and progression. They assist students in navigating the admissions process, accessing financial aid, and engaging with campus life. Furthermore, chatbots contribute to student wellbeing by checking in on their mental health and connecting them with appropriate resources.

Impact on Student Recruitment and Retention

The deployment of chatbots in clearing processes is particularly impactful. In 2020, 80,000 students applied through clearing, representing potential revenues of up to £2.16 billion based on an average tuition fee of £27,000 per student for a three-year course. Chatbots streamline the clearing process by qualifying students, prioritising applications based on grades, and even making offers in real-time. This not only improves conversion rates but also ensures a smoother experience for prospective students.

Industry Benchmarks and Statistics

The implementation of chatbots and robotic process automation (RPA) has yielded impressive results across various institutions:

  • A reduction of 45% in email enquiries.

  • A 60% decrease in call volumes.

  • A 55% decline in webform submissions​(Clearing Webinar (1))​.

Moreover, studies indicate that 26% of employees' time is spent on time-wasting tasks that can be automated​. By automating these processes, educational institutions can reallocate their human resources to more value-added activities, ultimately enhancing the quality of education and services provided.

Future Prospects

Beyond immediate efficiencies, the potential of chatbots extends to long-term institutional advancements. They support staff in managing HR processes, expense claims, procurement, and continuous professional development (CPD) opportunities. For instance, Cardiff and Vale College staff members benefit from streamlined access to policies and procedures, saving time and improving compliance​.


The integration of generative and conversational AI in education is not just a trend but a significant shift towards more efficient, cost-effective, and student-friendly services. Institutions are demonstrating the profound impact of AI technologies on enhancing student and staff experiences. As the technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for further innovation in the education sector are limitless.


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