The opportunity for AI in the energy sector.

Utilities have a critical opportunity to step up their customer service game. As of this year, water and energy companies are still lagging behind in customer satisfaction. According to the latest data from the Institute of Customer Service, these sectors remain among the lowest performers in customer service—a status no company should be comfortable with.

To truly enhance their reputations, utility firms need to rethink how they engage with their customers. This is where smart technology, particularly AI-driven solutions like AI Assistants, can make a real impact.

So, what exactly is an AI Assistant? In simple terms, an AI Assistant is an AI-powered tool that can engage in conversations with your customers via channels like email, web, phone and social messaging platforms like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. It's a format that today's customers are already familiar with, whether they’re chatting with friends or reaching out to businesses.

These AI Assistants leverage machine learning, allowing them to improve over time as they interact with customers. They can sift through vast amounts of data to deliver quick, accurate responses—far faster than a traditional helpline or an email to support.

But the advantages of AI Assistants extend far beyond just speedy replies.

One of the most significant benefits is the ability to provide 24/7 customer support. The days of restricting customer service to business hours are long gone. Today's customers expect assistance whenever they need it, on their terms. AI Assistants empower you to offer round-the-clock service without requiring a live agent at all hours.

Enhanced Customer Experience

AI Assistants aren’t just quick; they’re also constantly learning. This means they can provide more comprehensive answers as they get to know your customers better—often more effectively than a traditional agent might. While AI Assistants won’t replace the need for human intervention entirely, they do ensure that when a human is needed, the agent has all the information they need to jump right in, avoiding the dreaded "start-from-scratch" scenario for the customer.

Moreover, by handling routine queries, AI Assistants free up your human agents to focus on more complex issues where their expertise can shine. This isn’t about removing the human element; it’s about enhancing it—making sure your team can deliver top-notch service when it matters most.

Another powerful aspect of AI Assistant technology is the ability to analyse customer behaviour. This data gives you deep insights into what your customers need, enabling you to design better tariffs, products, and services—even offering personalised deals based on individual usage patterns.

Early intervention is another game-changer. AI Assistants can flag potential issues, such as customers showing signs of financial difficulty, allowing you to take action before it becomes a bigger problem.

This level of detailed, personalized service is something a traditional customer service team simply can't match.

In today’s competitive market, energy customers in the UK are more likely than ever to switch suppliers if they’re not satisfied. Recent figures show that in 2023 alone, millions of energy customers made the switch to a new provider. Gone are the days when companies could rely on customer apathy to keep them around.

If utility firms want to retain and grow their customer base, delivering high-quality service on the customer’s schedule is non-negotiable.

At Logicdialog, we’re already partnering with a variety of utility companies to integrate AI Assistants into their customer service operations. We recognise that this technology isn’t just about keeping current customers happy; it’s also a powerful tool for attracting new ones.

If utility firms want to retain and grow their customer base, delivering high-quality service on the customer’s schedule is non-negotiable.

Guide: Why your chatbot needs a Tone of Voice, and how to do it well.


A report: Conversational and Generative AI in Housing.