Webinar; how TfW adopted AI for improved passenger communications

Transport for Wales embodies the Welsh Government’s vision for a high-quality, safe and accessible transport network. Their ambitious target to boost active travel and public transport journeys by 40% by 2040 (as outlined in the Wales Transport Strategy) means improving the ease of customer contact and information retrieval, essential for users both at home and on the move. 

In this interactive webinar, team members from TfW and Logicdialog talk about the implementation of AI Assistants to provide passengers with automated information about their schedules, fares, refunds, route planning, cancellations and more.

Topics we covered included:

  • Why AI: what data lead to the decision to adopt AI across the network?

  • Decision Making: Moving the AI decision through the organisation.

  • Use Cases: What use cases were covered initially and subsequently?

  • Live Demonstration: How to quickly build automated passenger communications capability.

  • User Stats: What do they look like and how can they be used for continuous improvement?

  • Moving to Generative AI: Maximise the opportunities, minimise the risk.

  • Q & A: An interactive session to answer questions about the project and AI in the sector.

Go ahead and watch the video here >>


A report: Generative AI in Travel - a guide in association with 12Go Asia